Tuesday, May 15, 2007

More Thoughts on New Hamshire Sheep &Wool

As I run the usual show post mortem over in my mind I keep thinking about my bags. I have to make smaller bags. Several people went through the bags and said, don't you have anything smaller? before they walked away. It's hard for me to cut smaller, but I will do it. I keep thinking of the bags as knitting totes, or lap top totes, but there are people who want to use them as hand bags. Speaking of hand bags, I went absolutely bonkers over www.anniessweethandspun.com bags and sweaters. Dianne from Michigan is an artist whose talent I admire immensely. She combines hand dyed quilted fabric and felted handspun into amazing art bags. I picked one out for Mia to take to Europe and she offered to hold it until I could make some money at my booth. Much to my surprise, when I got to my booth Sunday morning, there was Dianne going through MY bags. I was almost apologetic, as mine as much more simple and downright, hmmm, "industrial" compared to hers. Dianne picked one out and offered to trade for Mia's bag. I was thrilled - especially because there was a price difference that allowed me to go home with some of Dianne's hand fired painted glass buttons. This woman is not only a fiber artiste extraordinaire - she also fashions and fires her own art buttons. My long-suffering husband unloaded the trailer and packed away the bag and buttons in the pole barn with my booth contents. I can't find the bag with the bag and buttons in it and will have to wait until he comes home from NJ to take a picture of them. In the meantime check out her web site, www.anniessweethandspun.com and you will have a real treat.

1 comment:

  1. I am in love with that orange kitten...sooo cute! ..making my ridiculous cute animal noises..Meanwhile...can't wait to see the pics of the bag...but a kitten is a fair and generous trade. :-)


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