Sunday, May 20, 2007

Mia's Graduation Present

Tomorrow, my Mia will be pinned as an RN, BSN at NJPAC in Newark, N.J. We are heading off in the morning and have to be at the Performing Arts Center at 2, with the pinning at 4, and dinner at 7. With a four hour trip home, Maggie and Matt will be two tired but happy campers. Mia's friends from pre-kindergarten, Jenny and Lisa will be there to help celebrate. AJ is flying in from Vegas, and I will meet Mia's new friend, Rob, for the first time. I'm happy that she has a "date" for her graduation. I have to be back at work on Tuesday morning. I was wondering how I was going to accomplish that, with morning chores, etc. after getting home so late. Then I heard that Lisa has to be back in her classroom in Los Angeles on Tuesday morning, too! Matt has to return to NJ to work in Tewksbury on Tuesday morning, too! Oh, well, our joy at Mia's success will see us all through the next day! I bartered one of my bags for a Dianne Edwards bag. It is exquisitely stunning. Here are pictures from all angles. Every inch of it is extraordinary artistry. Mia has many bags I made for her over the years, and I wanted her to have something different to put in her back pack when she sets off to Europe in two weeks. I've included a little $$ in the hidden cell phone pocket to help her with trip expenses. Off to check the critters. I told Mattie I would watch the Sopranos with him. He likes to point out landmarks in Newark they always have on the show. Matt was born and raised in Sopranos land - and we are headed there tomorrow for Mia's ceremony! With her new job at Morristown Memorial, she won't have to head over to Newark any more. Fine with me!

1 comment:

  1. Major hugs and congrats to Mia!!!! We knwo your mom and Matt are so proud of you and rightly so! Hope you have a great time there with all your family and friends!


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