Sunday, May 06, 2007

Lemony Clove Shaving Soap

Okay, here it is...lemony clove shaving soap blocks. The nice people at Cotton Blossom Crafts are rushing my shaving brushes and oval juniper wood dishes to me. Uh-oh, I forgot to ask them if juniper wood is a rare exotic wood. I can't tell Mattie if it is - he will only use woods like pine, that are renewable resources, raised in the US and not, heaven forbid, the Amazon. He won't use teak or redwood, etc. I love him for his conscience. Anyway, this soap is very interesting - lemongrass for the most part, melted down with essential clove bud oil added. It wasn't cutting right for me, so it became shaving soap. It's beautiful to look at, isn't it? Loaded with shea butter, vitamin E, honey, oatmeal, etc., it should be a fine shaving soap.


  1. The soap looks beautiful!

  2. Juniper is a common wood. Everything I've seen so far does not mention it as an endangered variety, nor is it rare and exotic. I believe you're in the clear with juniper.


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