Thursday, May 24, 2007

Happy Llamas

When I think of how Chris and Breeze were living when I found them, compared to the life they have now, I am so very satisfied and happy for them. It gives me shivers to see them lying in a sea of green grass, with springs to drink from and shade trees to lie down under, and acres of hills and fields to run and play in. The boys were living in a small patch of front yard along with 29 other llamas. The females had the only shelter and the boys were exposed to blistering sun and winter storms. The nice lady who sold them to me was coaxed into llama farming by her husband, then realized she had no time for it. She was home schooling four little kids and trying to keep up with all those llamas. Unfortunately, Chris and Breeze were never handled when they were young, and don't want to be touched now. They look at me as if to say, "Okay, lady - put the food down, back away slowly, and nobody will get hurt!" They never spit and are very well behaved llamas, so I put up with their testiness. Their incredible beauty lets them get away with being a bit contrary toward humans - but that's okay because they LOVE the sheep and goats, and that is their live with and guard the flock. I started halter training and worked with them while we were still in Pa. and have to build holding pens for them here. That way I can put grain in the pen to lure them in, shut the gate, and begin stroking them slowly, more and more every day until they are used to it. This way I can also trim their toes and give their vaccinations and worm shots. Someday I want more llamas who have been properly brought up to be loved by humans. Llamas are very beautiful to me, and I want to hug them and stroke their backs and bellies. Chris and Breeze don't want anything of the kind!

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