Saturday, May 19, 2007

Happy Birthday Kelly

Matt and I went to Kelly's birthday party today. Kelly and I work together in the Career Academy section of my school. Katie, the science teacher, was there as well, along with many family members and kids galore. We celebrated on Thursday, her actual birthday, with a big blast in the cafeteria at lunch time. I was in charge of decorating. Several students helped me blow up a few dozen balloons, which I figured was good use of all that hot air. Many of the balloons popped before we could get them up in the party room, but that was fun too. We painted signs and strung crepe paper. The culinary kids baked giant birthday cakes. Since one student in the culinary dept. has a girlfriend with the same birthday we made it a double celebration. A good time was had by all, topped off by a family birthday at Kelly's house today. We drove through Smyrna, where Joseph Smith and Brigham Young saw the golden tablets and decided to start the Mormon Church. I was looking for a commemorative plaque when Matt reminded me that the Mormons were run out of town (and several states for that matter.)

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