Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Final Tally

I think I ended up with 33 lambs and 15 goat kids. It just doesn't seem like enough considering the enormous amount of blood, sweat, tears, money and sleep deprivation I put into lambing this year. Gosh darn, it took a lot out of me. I'm not over it yet...and it's not over yet. All those lambs and kids need shots and worming right now. And I have to get the shearer here again. I have about 15 sheep and 35 goats that need shearing. Maybe I can get the BOCE kids here to help me. One more field trip before the end of the year. Gretchen organized a trip to the Farmer's Museum in Cooperstown. Maybe we can have an addendum trip to a real farm for some contemporary true-life drama. I can't catch all those lambs and kids by myself!

1 comment:

  1. Maggie! Our goats have begun their kidding at the farm in Colorado. There are pictures posted on my blog. The babies are so cute!!! They're probably cuter to me, because I didnt have to be out there in the pen, worrying about pulling any.


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