Monday, May 07, 2007

Escape Artist

This little kitty went up and over the wall today. I almost stepped on her when I came home from work. I will have to put the box on the floor instead of on the table top. The box is right next to my sewing machine where I can watch the kittens play while I work. They are soooo adorable. I have always loved cats and remember vividly going to pick up my first kitty - Ditty. She belonged to my bus driver, Mrs. Vandetten, hence Ditty. I must have been six or seven. My mother hated cats, but my father lobbied hard for me to have a kitten. Ditty had a litter but my mother made my keep them in the garage, in a tire. One day I woke up and ran downstairs to see my kittens and they were all dead - killed by the tomcat daddy. Ditty had another litter before my mother got her fixed. One of the only existing pictures of me as a child is sitting in bed with my kittens all around me. My mother decided Ditty had to go and gave her to a nurse friend. I was not happy. With a 20,000 square foot barn, I can have all the kitties I want - as long as I can feed them.


  1. aww.. that kitty is soo precious!i cant wait to see them in a few days!!

  2. Be careful of inbreeding among your kitties. If you have plans to have MANY kitties around, be sure to get the males fixed, so they don't impregnate their own mother and sisters. Barn kitties are great, but inbred and retarded ones are pathetic and sad..


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