Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Business As Usual

Back to normal on the farm - if it can be called normal. Already this morning I have tended to a sick lamb. Little Chip did not make the transition from bottle to hay very well. I found him unable to stand, ears back, very weak. Vitamin E, selenium, B complex and bottle feeding made him a little stronger over night. It's hard to get them back once they go down, but I try. After taking care of Chip I thought I better walk out and check the sheep. Sure enough, there was a ewe all tangled up in the round bale cord. If I had not found her she would have been lying in the hot sun with no water, struggling all day. Whew! Another disaster accidentally diverted. Legolas, my ram and father of all the lambs, looks terrible. He hasn't looked good since he was tangled up in the feeder he had climbed on top of and gotten his hoofs caught in. I'm sure he pulled muscles and ligaments. The euphoria of Mia's graduation and celebration are still there, and I'll try to hang on to them as long as possible. I miss Mia and AJ terribly. The farm helps fill the incredible void left when our little family broke up nine years ago. Back to work then off to work I go...

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