Thursday, May 17, 2007

Bad Head

I was in a bad head when I came home from work today. Some teachers in my section of the school decided we needed help getting along with each other and called in the psych people from support services. I can't believe it. After two meetings with this psych person we have to go to two team building workshop sessions before we are allowed to "clear the air," or simply, talk to each other. These people are some of the nicest people I have ever worked with, and they are afraid of talking over our perceived difficulties without a moderator to keep us from damaging our relationships to the point where it will effect the students. I see some confidence issues, and some teenagey tattle-tale issues, but nothing really potentially damaging. We work with some really challenging students, yet always manage to smile and wave goodbye on the way out the door, and function successfully the next day. Now I have to sit through more of this stuff. Oh, save me! Sooo, after giving bottles, watching the news with the doggies, making dinner, eating ice cream (which usually does the job) I was still feeling yuck, yuck, yuck. Only one thing to do - climb the hill! And guess what! My old apple orchard is blooming! The Kupris family did not plant the orchard, so it has to be over 80 years old or so. It is in the area that will belong to the goats, and is so lovely. The lower pond is in that section. The sun was beginning to sink below the ridge on the other side of the creek, and I didn't have time to run back and empty my camera card (must buy another one) but I got one pic of the blooms. I circled the pond on the way back to look for tadpoles, but they must have gone to bed. The grass is blinding green, and the sun on the sheep and llamas on the walk back was breathtaking. The whole scene, combined with huffing and puffing in the cool air, straightened me right out.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you'll get some antique varietal (sp?) apples out of those trees...or just plain delicious ones...I love a walk to clear my head and my life up!


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