Saturday, April 14, 2007

TV Buddies

Friday night in the trailer, watching TV together. We watched The Shipping News again because the battery in the remote is dead, and it's too tiresome pushing the button to surf through 800 channels. Matt the computer guy sent home part of a sheet cake from a party at the school. Somehow Jackie the 200 pound beagle got it down and ate it in the middle of the night. I thought he was raiding the cat box again and kept yelling at him in the dark...but it was the cake box he was raiding. Can't say I blame him, it was a good cake. At least it's on his hips, not mine.

1 comment:

  1. Your house looks like my sister's house during kidding, too...three dogs and a goat on the sofa to watch tv - hahahaha - some people may think it's a staged photo, but I know it's the reality of life with goats and pups. Your beagle sounds something like m Basset hound, Sunny. I'd just ordered a large pizza and put it on the dining room table. I went into the kitchen to get a glass and something to ddrink, and when I returned, all the topping was gone from my pizza...and there was Sunny, on his back with feet in the air (his usual pose when he's got a guilty conscience). I know in his mind he didn't eat it all...he left me the crust.


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