Wednesday, April 11, 2007

That's Just the Way It Is...

How can I make people understand my devotion to my flock? Sheep people understand - good sheep people do. A shepherd is always there. When I am not here for my flock, things happen. That's why the Lord is referred to as a shepherd...always watching, caring, guarding. It upsets me when I can't get that across to people. Lambing and kidding requires the ultimate in attention and devotion. All the time and money spent feeding, watering, nurturing culminates in two things - shearing and lambing. I find I am having little patience with people who are not respectful of my attention to the flock during that precious time. Ofcourse my teaching job is important. The job enables me to have the flock in the first place. I have some health problems myself that need attention, but right now the flock is it. The barn is the center of my universe.


  1. mommie.. i understand!!! and i believe in your devotion.. is the same devotion that you always had and still have to me!
    but if we don't address YOUR health problems.. then you can't take good care of the flock!! and i am worried about you!!

  2. I understand where you are coming from on this. It's the same with my family...The animals come first, then we eat or do whatever we do for ourselves. It's not only because we live by what we get from the animals, but that there is a bond, also, that ties us emotionally to the animals.

    That being said...Maggie, take care of yourself, too! The flosk will suffer if you aren't well enough to take good care of it.

  3. ...and I love that your llama is patient enough to be a jumping off point for your little kid!


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