Sunday, April 22, 2007

Taylor's Tack and Field Auction

I almost bought a horse today. I saw the sign for Barb Taylor's auction in the Brookfield General Store about a week ago. I made a mental note to try to attend. Barb was real nice to me and the grandkids last summer when I took them to ride at her place several times. I think she's terrific and I love her stables. There was a good crowd there and, guess what?, she was auctioning three horses. Now I have been looking for a horse for Hannah and Luke and thought I might have found one. But when the auctioneer starting blabbing I didn't quite understand what he said, or believe what I was hearing, and I hesitated, and it was over just like that. A mother bought him for her teenaged daughter for an unbelievable 175!! He was only three years old and green broke, and I hadn't checked with Barb before hand to see if she had room at her place for him, time to train him for me, etc. If she was full I would have to bring him home to the farm and we don't have a stall built, etc. Besides, Matt would probably have the fit of all fits...Oh well, maybe next time. But here he is and isn't he beautiful. You snooze, you lose...

1 comment:

  1. I love auctions, as long as they are production auctions and not the "selling out" auctions. But I can never take money with me, because I am always tempted to buy. I love horse, but I learned a long time ago that an auction is not the place for me to get a horse. So now I go to individuals and watch, ride, and talk before I buy. Of course, here in Lima, I have no place for a horse anyway, so I'm safe. :o)


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