Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Snow Has Stopped

It snowed all morning. I got to the tax man and learned more Good News/Bad News. I am actually going to get some money back. Maybe I will get those kitchen cabinets for the barn apt. after all. I wonder how long it will take? I won't start picking them out until I get the check. I fear the computer will spit out my tax return and alarm bells will start ringing for the special examiner to come and look this one over. I stopped at my favorite bakery, La Maison Blanche, The White House. The raspberry croissant and cappuchino helped celebrate getting the taxes done on time. I got in line at the Norwich post office with the rest of the proud American tax payers and mailed my corporate tax return, which can't be done by computer. It feels good to have my own fledging company...wish I had the cashola to do it right, but for right now I am flying by the seat of my pants. I stopped at every place I could think of to get a New York Times but they were all sold out. Oh well, there will be even more news about the Va. shooting in tomorrow's paper. I had hoped to actually sit down and read the paper a little this week. Moira's baby, Murphy Brown, is doing beautifully. She's so gorgeous, a calendar lamb...not 100% Bluefaced Leicester, but who cares? She's 15/16ths and that's fine with me. I am expecting two more sheep births and one goat birth. I am going to do a wee hours barn check tonight no matter how scared I am. I decided not to force feed Rowena any more. She drank water and nibbled on hay today. I will give her vitamin supplements which are easy to squirt in her mouth. I want to see if she wants to live, or is able to live on her own. There is a quality of life issue here. I am going to start evening chores now so I can be in the trailer to get the prime time news. Don't know if I will make it - I just had to sit down and "talk" to the blog.


  1. Maggie, it's okay to go outside. You're safe at your own farm. Just live your life and take care of those babies! I hope Rowena decides to get past the post-partum blues and flourish.

  2. hi mommie.. those little kids are sooooooo cute!!!
    i miss you.. be brave.. i am so proud of you!!


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