Thursday, April 12, 2007

Sick Goaties

Rowena is still down. I have hope for her, as she is alert most of the time and tries to bite me when I give her the shots. Her little daughter is not doing well and I have her on my lap now. She weighs next to nothing and has terrible scours. The vet has me giving her pepto bismol and penicillin. I bathed her with lavender soap to get the smell off her and have her resting in a laundry basket on the oven door to keep warm. I have learned not to get too attached, but it's hard. There is definitely safety in numbers. I also have little Velvet, Celeste's daughter, on the bottle. I tried to give her back to Celeste a couple of times but no good. She butted Velvet out of the way. So Velvet is mine, all mine. When I open the barn door and she hears my voice she gets so excited. She's not strong enough to run to me, but she stands up and cries until I pick her up. I see some blue in those teeny tiny eyes, just like her mom. Celeste has incredibly beautiful blue/tan eyes, like a glass jewelry bead. I'm trying so hard to bring both girls along. They take a couple of sucks on the bottle then stop. I squeeze the bottle a little to get more in them, but they are so very tiny with not much of an appetite. I put their goat vitamins in the milk replacer, and think I will give them some vitamin B complex. Sticking needles in these little angels is not something I enjoy...but I want them to live and romp in the green grass on the hill-if spring ever comes.

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