Saturday, April 28, 2007

Patchouli...The Love Soap

I finally got organized and motivated to make a batch of soap. I had to wait until the karma was just right, or the soap wouldn't come out. It's happened to me before. Maybe it was the overwhelming flow of love Matt brought home to me last night, or Mia's graduation invitation that I received this morning. I got the courage to drag out all the stuff and get a batch going. Patchouli, ofcourse! One may think it is easy, but making soap is a very exact science. Everything has to be measured correctly and you must have the right temperature of all the very expensive ingredients before they are combined - or else you have a failed batch of gelatinous goo. Not a good thing...And New Hampshire Sheep and Wool is in two weeks. I was worried about myself. So much time and energy goes to the animals - but I need the soap to help pay for them. Therein lies the problem...but I think I have it licked, or should I say washed?

1 comment:

  1. Oooo, Maggie, I love the scent of patchouli. I can't imagine a soap that smells so...seductive and mysterious. The first hat is about halfway finished now. It's very basic, but I like the looks of it. I should have it finished in a couple of days, then I'll send you a photo for your approval.


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