Thursday, April 26, 2007

Night-Night With My Bone

Tanner loves her bone. I have to take it away in order to make up my "bed" and I say that word loosely. I have to make my night-night bottles and give them to the little ones, take a walk through the barn to see if anyone has decided to give birth or is caught on something or otherwise in distress, collect the dogs I have let out of the trailer while I was doing all this, fill any rabbit bottles that are empty, move Finn's lead from one end of the barn to another in hopes he will stop barking, nearer to Knut but not close enough so they will be tangled...make sure the cat food is out, lug water to the boys pen, fill the stock tanks, it goes on and on. I watched the democratic debate. Wouldn't it be nice if they could do all they say they are going to do? Hillary was great. President Obama??? Sorry, I just can't get used to the idea. Edwards? I don't know - he looks, hmmmm, hesitant. Richardson? Maybe. The others? I don't think so. I think Gore is the only one who could beat Hillary to the nomination, but he is smart enough to stay out of it. Off to bed am I...


  1. Good observation about the debate Mom. I'll have to watch the highlights. Btw, the school is UNLV, not ULV. I can't wait to meet Tanner in June!

  2. Ufff...politicians...

  3. Favorite toys, oh yes!


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