Monday, April 02, 2007

New Kids Every Day

Another goat kid born this afternoon. I found them in the far end of the barn, where mom had gone to have some privacy. There he was, doing that little newborn tapdance around mom, all wet and getting thoroughly licked off. The licking is very important - it stimulates mom's letdown of milk and cements the bond between them. Matt helped me get them into a jug and clip away the curtain of mohair hiding the teats. He is leaving in the wee hours to work in NJ. I know there will more births this week while he is gone. I will have to "crotch" the goats myself, not always an easy thing to do. Most always it's awful. Steven is coming afternoons to work on the barn, hopefully he will hold some goat horns for me. Sometimes you just need another pair of hands. The goat babies are simply adorable. They are softer and curlier than lambs, and their ears hang down. And that goatie funny and cute in a goatie sort of way. Bridie and Brandon are my littlest lambs now. Bridie is a miniature sheep, just like her mom, Fiona, was when she was little. Brandon is sturdy and heavy, although small. Most of the other lambs are big and strong, growing steadily. We are very, very pleased...but it's not over. Moira's daughter (what did I name her???) is about to go any day now. Names, names, if only I could remember them all! Late at night when I am exhausted is no time to try...I am going to go out and stare at the full moon, then feed the bunnies, fill the water tanks again, fill the jug water containers again (four in the maternity ward - all have to be fed and watered individually) and crawl into the trailer.

1 comment:

  1. awww. they are so sweet and cute mommy! i just want to squeeze them!! i love it when the babies are so white! not for long though!
    miss you!


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