Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Loss of an Old Friend

Black Jack is gone. I left for work after giving him a drink of water. Oh, how I hated to leave him to die alone...but he wasn't alone. He was surrounded by all his friends. There is something especially hard to take about losing a sheep or a goat that has been with me from the beginning. They have names and we all knew each other. They waited for me to come home when I had a little pen in the back yard with just a few critters. Now I have so many I have to struggle to remember their names, and all but a few run away from me. I knocked myself out to keep them when we had to move and I had to locate them somewhere else until I could get this farm. I drove hundreds of miles a week to take care of them all...like a crazy woman. Well, that's an established fact. Matt says we will all be together again someday. But for now I miss them so much.


  1. HUGS!! He was truly beautiful and I'm sure will be sorely missed. He's gone to live with the "other" good shepherd I'm sure!
    Java says to give you a big hug -she's lounging on the couch after a hour playdate at the park with two muddy children.

  2. Maggie,
    I'm so sorry to hear of Black Jack's passing. I know how difficult it is to lose one of those who have been with you for the longest time. He'll be missed, I know, but he must have many sons and daughters out there to carry on for him!

  3. Fond memories of Black Jack will be a comfort to you some day. I am just one of your many readers who have followed you for only a short time but find myself mourning the loss too.
    I love your blog. You have what I would love to have - all the fiber animals.


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