Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Great Chicken Escape

Mattie and I came home from our trip into town to find the outer door to the chicken coop had somehow come open. There they were, having a wonderful time, spreading out along the driveway, munching on the green grass shoots and enjoying the texture of mud and stones under their feet. I couldn't help but notice how pretty they looked in the sunshine, and how natural it is for them to be outside. I had totally free range chickens once, two residences ago. It was great for them, and me. I will tell stories of my first chickens someday...and I have some good ones. But for the here and now, we had to corral them in a corridor between the silo and the barn. I have some Old English chickens, little tiny things, given to me by Mary Liebau, the lone long distance rider turned shepherd. They are just the right size for cat dinners. My big girls would just peck the eyes out of any cat who got too close. It took quite a bit of doing but we got all the chickens captured but two little ones. Matt and I are not as quick on our feet as we used to be....but we do try hard. I am hoping the two loose girls will make their way into the barn through the doors that are always open for the sheep. Once inside there are so many places to roost and hide, and I might get them back into the chicken room through the inside door. I have several barn chickens who have managed to escape the chicken room and live in various areas of the barn, and do very nicely. One Silver Laced Wyandotte hen has made her nest in the lamb creep feeder, and I find one very large, pinkish brown egg there every day. I have three roosters living free in the barn and they manage to stake out different areas and stay out of each other's way. One of them is the tiniest, most colorful bantam rooster I have ever seen. He cleverly rides on the back of the male sheep in the East End, keeping his feet warm and cozy.

1 comment:

  1. that's so cute mommy.. i love the chickens!!


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