Tuesday, March 06, 2007

What A Night...

It's sooooo cold, wind blowing snow, path to the trailer blown over. Three AM I thought I heard newborn sounds on the baby monitor and off I went. I had taken a shower and washed my hair because I was sure it would freeze overnight. Thought I would be back in the stock tank. I didn't put enought layers on to go to sleep and woke up freezing. Holly won't lay on the wall side anymore - smart dog! I stood up some newspapers hoping that would help, put my pillow in front of that but still was cold. Getting up to gear up for the barn seemed better that laying in bed and freezing. Besides, I didn't want to find any lambsicles in the morning. What a blast when I opened the trailer door. Dogs ran out with me but ran right back in when they felt the cold. Lock on the door had frozen and wouldn't close back up. Got into the barn and the puppies sleeping in the laundry were so glad to see me. They are wonderful little creatures. Looks like they will be mine, but Matt is dead set against it...too many dogs! The teachers at work have cooled off on the idea and don't seem to want them. Their littermates went to the pound weeks ago. Don't know quite what to do... No newborns in the barn. Just Chip and Fudge crying for their mother to get up and let them nurse. Mocha only has one teat, the other is consumed with mastitis. Nursed it out and gave antibiotics last night as per vet's orders. Some milk came out this time, not slimy infection fluid. Maybe that means the meds are working. I am trying to get the boys on the bottle to relieve mom but they are reluctant. Don't blame them, even my patented Pritchard teat is rubber, not perfectly formed like mom. Warm milk replacer can't compare with mother's milk but mom can't make enough with one udder for those two big hungry boys...

Matt has the trailer door rigged up with truck straps...I stumble back into my trailer sofa cot and seem to blink my eyes before the alarm goes off. Back to the barn to check for lambsicles and do chores before work...hope I have some clean clothes!

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