Thursday, March 22, 2007

Storm Coming - Warm and Dry Inside

I still find it incredibly satisfying to have a dry place for my animals to take cover. I used to feel awful being in the house while my flock was outside exposed to the weather. I know, I know, plenty of shepherds keep their flocks out all winter long, but it just doesn't work for me. At my old place I would drive over to the pasture in the rain and find all the lean-to's full and whatever sheep could fit their heads in would do it, leaving their bodies out in the rain. Once I was in the field when a sudden downpour occurred. Frodo, a great big wether, arched his back when the big drops hit it, like he was being struck by something. We both ran for the lean-to. So if you ask me do sheep have to have cover to survive I would say no....but do sheep prefer to have cover? You bet they do!

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