Sunday, March 11, 2007

Some of Us are Too Big for our Sweaters

The lambies are growing by leaps and bounds. I just can't believe how well they are doing. The cold seems to agree with them. I have heard that from shepherds for years. Cold weather lambing may be hard on the shepherd but it's great for the lambs. Fewer parasites to prey on them, no flies on their tail and scrotum bands either. There is no green grass for them to eat, but my lambs are doing great on hay. It's so cute to see them with their little hoofs up on the window sills, looking out on the pasture, their future playground. Matt and I have a LOT of fencing to put up. It is prohibitively expensive to hire a fencing company. We got an estimate on putting fence up along the road in front of our fields and it was over $8,000. Not a chance! We will be spending a lot of quality time together this spring. Speaking of quality time, I highly recommend moving to the country to jump start your marriage! Spending the winter crammed into a little trailer with six dogs and cats, the wolf at the door, has done nothing to damper our marital ardor. We just can't stop hugging and kissing..well, you know where this is going. "Too much information, Mom!" my kids would say.

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