Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Shearing Day

Well, it came and went and will come again because I have many more animals to shear. Nancy Meyers from Morris, NY called to say she had a cancellation and I couldn't say no. When the shearer says she'll come the shepherd says I'm ready! She brought along another shearer friend, Paula Decker from Unadilla. Shearing day requires supplies, organization and human helpers. Wranglers to catch the sheep (Randy and his cousin Greg), a bagger and sweeper (Mary the Long Distance Rider turned Shepherd) a hoof trimmer and shot person - me, oh, my achin' back, and a gate keeper. We had everyone but the gate keeper so I doubled. Everything went okay except for the pouring rain. Somehow we didn't get the boys locked up the night before and they were wet. Some girls got wet, too - how, we don't know, maybe rain blowing in through the door. Shearers won't touch wet sheep. They could get electrocuted and wet wool in a bag? Not a good thing. There was a bit of tension, Mattie yelling at everyone (that's how you know he's nervous)except the shearers. You never, ever, yell at the shearer. They have a status in the sheep world that I am in awe of. Good sheaers, that is. What constitutes a good shearer? There are NO second cuts, meaning the wool is taken off with one stroke, not two. That give you the longest staple you can get. The sheep shouldn't be cut, either. A can of Blue Kote is waiting (spray band-aid). And the shearer should be fast enough so the sheep can be done and on her way without too much stress. Nancy and her friend Paula don't do angora goats - a big disappointment for me, as there were lots of hairy goaties standing right there and the shearers packed up their gear and left without doing them! I thought for sure they would be tempted to want the cashola but no deal! So there will be another shearing day at Maggie's Farm. Matt and I were pleased with how fleshy and healthy the sheep looked, and how gorgeous the wool is. Now I will be a busy girl, going through each fleece, removing any tags and hay. If only I had my friend, Jan, here to help with the sorting! (Jan, where are you?)

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