Saturday, March 03, 2007

Peace in the Barn...

The sheep and goats are taking their afternoon siestas. Even Chris and Breeze are down for a nap. What is it about llamas and the way they lie down? Their legs are tucked underneath them to keep them warm. That is when I want to lie down next to them and lean my head on their fluffy backs. Someday I will have llamas that will let me do that. I know a llama woman from Saratoga, New York, who says she can teach me how to tame them enough to do that. I plan on driving over there this summer to visit her. But for the here and now...Myrna is walking around the barn while the others rest, looking for the right place to give birth. I saw her pawing a spot, a sure sign that she is almost ready. She is officially due tomorrow, but I think it will be tonight. Thank Goodness I am home. Minerva, also due, is moaning softly and making little pushing sounds. She had ram twins last year...oh, I hope she gives me some ewe lambs! She is a magnificent sheep, part Cheviot and mostly Bluefaced Leicester. The cheviot in her gave her such a fun personality when she was young, meaning before she came into breeding age. Cheviots are known for their athleticism, and boing, boing, boing all over the place. Now that she is a grand dam she is much quieter (just like people!). Minerva has a fantastic fleece on her...which could be ruined by little lambs jumping all over it. It is time to think about shearing...the temperature is going way down next week, zero F. at night and high of 15 during the day. By the time I can get a shearer scheduled it should be on the way up. Many people shear anyway - getting the wool off is more important to them. "Oh, they'll be fine," I've heard them say. Matt says how would you like to be stripped naked in the middle of the winter? I just love him for that!

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