Friday, March 09, 2007

Minus 10F. - Not Too Bad

Okay, so we made it through the night with no lambsicles or kidsickles. Whoopi still looks very uncomfortable, like she wants to get rid of this load - but no pushing. Matt is still home, waiting to hear about two possible jobs, and I am secretly relieved he is here to watch for babies. No money, but no frozen babies! One would think animals wouldn't need as much water when it is cold, but they actually need more. Intense cold is very drying and the sheep want water all the time. The spicket Matt installed freezes in cold like this and he has to thaw it with a propane torch. Then we have to detach the hose to hang up after every time we use it. I hope to get a better arrangement, with a floater to bring up the water level when down, sometime soon. I took away the deep stock tank after reading about a drowned lamb. The shallow stock tank is for our own Red Neck Saturday Night (which I plan to have tomorrow -- Woo Woo!) I use two smaller tubs now, but I have to fill them often. Good news - Kim Parkinson in Kingston wants my Santa, the brindle Rottie/Lab mix I brought in from the cold at the farm up the road. Kim has two adorable kids and a nice husband. It's the textbook picture perfect family for a dog! With lots of bunny poop to eat! I just have to get her up over the border. Big Daddy might run her up for me. Santa is more Rottie than Lab, very sturdy, strong and assertive. The kind of dog you want helping to raise up your kids!

1 comment:

  1. hi mommy- that is so cute! I hope it warms up for you soon!
    I miss you and love you!


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