Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Milk Room at Dawn

This is what I face every morning when I stumble from the trailer into the Milk Room. The Kupris family built this concrete fortress around a giant bulk milk tank, which we sold to another dairy farm last fall. That required dismantling one wall and all kinds of engineering involving three grunting and sweaty men...I stayed as far away as I could get! The room has a concrete floor with a drain in the middle - perfect for wet felting! But now it is crammed full of too many things, sheep meds, soap making supplies, groceries, fabric, computer, stereo, laundry, etc. The sink is where I wash lamb bottles, get warm water for my bunnies, and wash our dishes. The stove that I bought out of the paper for $100 turned out to be a good purchase - I heat this room with it and cook our food. The puppies live here along with cold lambs. Tonya thinks this is her play room, although I am keeping her in the barn as much as possible. The lamb sweaters are washed and are drying on some dairy pipes, waiting for baby goats...which I expect any day now. They are smart, waiting for warmer weather. Last night went down to below zero around here I am told. I hope that was the last hurrah for winter, although I love the snow. I moved to the right place for snow!

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