Friday, March 16, 2007

Losing My Right Arm

Okay, okay, I can do it. Matt will get another load of hay before he leaves on Sunday to go back to NJ. He will be back on Friday, then leave again on Sunday. It's getting lighter every day. A Nor'easter is headed here as I write, and I am off to work. Just the idea of nobody to call if I get stuck on the road, or stuck at work and I am cut off from the animals home on the farm, is terrifying. And I am still scared of the dark. Matt says how can someone with a Master's Degree be afraid of the dark??? Typical that blue collar people have more respect for people with education than they deserve. Just last night when I was climbing down from the hay mow in the dark I thought I felt a hand grab mine...very freaky. I have got to get over this...

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