Saturday, March 10, 2007

Hannah and Luke are Coming!

It's official - Hannah and Luke are coming back to the farm this summer. I can hardly contain my excitement. I only see them twice a year if I am lucky. They will visit the other grandmother first at her beach home on the Chesapeake Bay and then come here for "another kind of experience." I had only been here one week when they came last summer. We lived in a tent in the hay mow, and had a sofa and TV set up in there, too. We swam in the creek and went riding at Barb Taylor's place. We had bon fires every night. Hopefuly the barn apt. will be finished by then and they will have their own room with a claw foot bath tub to bathe in instead of the stock tank. Won't be nearly as much fun!

1 comment:

  1. But what memories the children will have, not many get to do such diverse things at Grannies over the summer.
    Conga Rats


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