Thursday, March 01, 2007

A Few More Happy Packages

I am happy to report the births of two more ewe twins, breaking the run of ram lambs I have been experiencing. Blue Tag and Ole Crip (I know, I know, but all these names have stories behind them) both older ewes came through for me like champs. Matt was on duty while I was at work and completely missed Blue Tag and her birth. We found them when I got home from work...all dried off and hanging out like girlfriends. Both lambs are big, healthy and on the teat. Good deal!

My friend and fellow Bunnywoman, Kim Parkinson sent me a Feel-Good package...a pound of coffee from Canada. By the smell of it, it's good stuff! The shepherd's friend! How did she know I rely on coffee to make this whole farm thing happen? Kim uses my booth at Rhinebeck to meet the folks from all over the US who are coming to pick up her bunnies in October. She has introduced me to some really neat Canadian folks who are just about as laid back and friendly as folks can be. Why is it the farther north people get the friendlier and well-adjusted they are? Hmmmmmm. I will have to ponder that one...a lot of time snowed in? They just learn to "deal with it?" Speaking of dealing with it...I am off to work!

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