Saturday, March 10, 2007

Driven to Blog

I guess Matt is right. I am a habitual blogger. If I can't tell it to the blog it just doesn't feel right, keeping in what I need to share with the world. Who is that world? I don't really know. I find out when I don't post and people miss the bulletins from the way back yonder. When the internet didn't work this morning, and I had to wait THREE HOURS for Matt to wake up and fix it, I wondered what I would do with myself. I played with Tonya, Forrest, Denzel and Chip, gave them their bottles, wandered through the barn a few time, took lots of pictures, imagined how they would look on the blog, forcefed Whoopi her molasses and oatmeal breakfast, checked on the three other moms-to-be and went back to the trailer to lie down. Paul McCartney and Heather's divorce was on the news. I loved Paul in 1964 and still do, so anything that tart says about him is fightin' words to me! I NEVER liked her...anyone who would dump their fiance two weeks before their wedding to go with Paul, well, what would you expect? Actually, I think I would probably do the same thing! How can he ever replace Linda? Look what happened when he tried!

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