Saturday, March 03, 2007

Auntie Jan's Sweater

Tonya has a new sweater made especially for her by Auntie Jan back in New Jersey. It fits perfectly and doesn't she look cute? I want to keep her warm because the temp is falling tonight and it feels cold and damp already. Tonya lives in the Milk House in a crate and we keep the oven on all day and night for heat...a nice dry heat, I must say. I bought this oven out of the local newspaper for dyeing wool but it has turned out to be great for cooking our food and supplying heat to our "operations room." Tonya won't put weight on one back leg and I suspect it was either the puppies or her own mother when we tried to get them to bond with each other. Donnagh wanted Tonya's brother instead...unusual for Bluefaced Leicesters who are usually great mothers. She gave Tonya a good butt or two before we could rescue her! I'm so happy to have this cute sweater for her to keep the sore leg warm. The new arrivals will get their own Auntie Jan sweaters when they come, hopefully tonight or tomorrow. Mommie has to go to work on Monday!

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