Saturday, February 17, 2007

A Week of Vacation from School

Is it really true? Am I home from school for a week? This is the greatest thing about teaching...just when you think you can't stand it a minute longer and you are fantasizing about weapons and methods of torture, you get some time off. I've got a million things to do and don't care if I get in the truck...can't afford the gas to go anywhere anyway. I've got flour, sugar, eggs from the chickens every day, and the ingredients to make a giant pot of chili. Big M had roasted peppers in a jar on the $1 counter and I guiltily bought two to put in the chili. I have a half gallon of Tawny Port left over from Christmas so I can put some of that in the chili and down the rest myself...maybe I will sip some when I take my stock tank bath tonight. Poverty really stinks but can be character building. I used to give all my left overs to the dogs but now I eat food three days old. I used to stop at the market every day and buy ten dollars worth of canned food for the cats and dogs and run that can opener for ten minutes opening them all. Now they get the dry store brand Tractor Supply special (and seem to enjoy it!) Every egg the chickens lay I stroke and admire. I bring some to work as gifts for the girls who give me coffee, cut my hair, and otherwise befriend me. It will soon be farmer's market/sheep show time and the money situation will be better. When I look at the bills piling up I fantasize about the women walking into my booth and plunking down the cash for my bags, soap and wool without a minute's hesitation and I tell myself things will get better.

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