Thursday, February 15, 2007

Time for Night-Night

Chris and Breeze know it's time to settle down but Dora and Thea are still rambling around and having fun. They are growing so fast it's almost time to wrestle them out of their sweaters. It's so cold and the wind is howling and whistling outside. I put a sweater back on Xena after taking it off yesterday. So many pregnant ladies walking around the barn, and with so many lambs making noise it's hard to hear a newborn on the baby monitor. Chores are done so I'll go to bed now and set the alarm for midnight to check the barn. Goat babies will be coming soon and they are much more vulnerable to the cold than lambs. They tell me spring comes a month later we are in for two and a half more months of this. I will much better prepared for next winter.

1 comment:

  1. Mommie!! how much of your hair did you cut off??... does holly like the little ones?!?!? I love reading your adventures!


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