Sunday, February 18, 2007

So Much to be Thankful For...

Got my sleep...midnight check revealed nobody in labor, no chilled lambs, just happy moms, moms to be, a real Winkin, Blinkin and Nod night. Woke up with a start, as usual, warm dogs and husband packed in tight all around me like hot water bottles, all different sizes. It was just too quiet. Had hubby turned down the microphone during the night because of screaming roosters? I whispered sweetly, honey, do you think you can take the dogs out just once? I got a very sweet "no, give me until 8 o'clock." Well, the yips and whines were coming over the baby monitor, telling me it's time to let them out. I had a lamb I was worried about I climb over dogs and husband and get out to the barn. Out with the doggies to play in the snow. We tiptoe around the sleeping moms and lambs to get out of the barn into the winter wonderland. I gasp at the beauty...after playtime we go back in the barn and I check on little Nonnie. She has a bum leg, must have been kinked in the womb. We nursed out Naomi several times yesterday to bottle feed her. She was having trouble finding the teat and her bum leg was keeping her down. I had two sweaters on her, a tight alpaca goat kid sweater, and a bigger Bluefaced Leicester sized sweater to cover her bony hips and lame leg. Sweet little lamb, she just needed some help getting started...and, thank you Jesus, there she was, standing under mom, tail wagging under the sweater, pulling on the teat. I am blessed with some terrific moms and Naomi was standing very still, very patient, trying to help her baby do what she needed to do. I let Dulce and Dorcas out of their jug, and Gloria with Goodness and Mercy. Three beautiful ewe lambs added to the flock. That makes 3 ram lambs and 7 ewe lambs so far. Maggie is happy...

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