Sunday, February 25, 2007

Purebred Prolapse

My beautiful purebred ewe, Donnagh, was trussed up in a prolapse harness for the last three weeks or so. It started when I noticed a grapefruit sized bright red shiny mass protruding from her vulva. This was the first prolapse for me, and I was very concerned. I had heard horror stories about the whole uterus coming out and having to be pushed back in. I knew about the pushing back in part but little else. I got on Sheep List and found out everything I needed to know, including the bad news...that a prolapsed ewe will do it again, and her lambs will also be prone to prolapse. Now that's bad news as I paid a LOT of money (for me) for this ewe. I have two purebred ewes side by side in the maternity ward, and together they produced three ram lambs (essentially only good for wool as I do not eat them) and one ewe lamb, which every shepherd hopes for - all ewe lambs!
Mattie and I got the baling twine harness on Donnagh, which worked like a charm, but she prolapsed again when the strings stretched and she was able to push again. Her condition suffered and she was thin and gaunt looking. I put her in a pen to feed her more often but she looked miserable. I let her out and she would wander slowly around with her stinted walk. I was worried..
Yesterday morning I noticed little hoofs sticking out of her and rushed to cut the strings. Hooray I thought as lambing is the only thing that will relieve the prolapse. She needed help as her feeble pushes only succeeded in getting the front part of the lamb out. I gently slid out a ewe lamb and placed it next to her face for the licking-bonding process. Part II to follow - Mattie is kicking me out of the Milk House to use the facilities!

1 comment:

  1. i miss my mommy and mattie and all of the critters!!!! any new lambs?!?!?! have a great day!!


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