Tuesday, February 20, 2007

A New Family

Here are Goodness and Mercy saying welcome to the new twins in the flock. Since their mother is Domina the only thing to name them is Caesar and Octavia....how perfect! G and M are growing so fast it's time to wrestle their sweaters off.

I am still nervous about the nursing since Domina is flighty and doesn't like them near her teats. Matt is off on a job interview and might have to hold her again when he gets home so I can nurse out some more colostrum for them. The first 24 hours are so important. Up at 3 am for a barn check, then up for the birth at 5...I will be dragging a bit today. The temperature is supposed to soar up into the thirties today...tee-shirt weather! We're off to buy hay this afternoon. I have vowed to have enough hay in the mow to go the whole winter next year. This year was touch and go but the lambs are thriving beautifully.

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