Friday, February 02, 2007

Free Love

Izzy came to me this fall. He is a purebred Rat Terrier. A handyman and his son were helping me put up fence and the son told me about his mother-in-law who broke her back in a truck accident. She was looking for a home for her little dog. Now, the last thing I needed was another dog. I told him no, but to let me know if they were going to do "anything drastic." That was not enough of a "no." Izzy's owner started leaving messages on my machine, which I ignored. Finally there was a message that only said a very plaintive, "Pleasssssssssssssssssse!!" I called and said I would come and meet Izzy, who at that time was called, "Gizmo."

The woman lived just a few miles from my school and I got directions. They lived on a four lane highway going into town with a ten foot long driveway. When I walked into the kitchen I noticed a TV screen that watched who was pulling into the driveway. Izzy's owner was positioned at the kitchen table, in obvious pain, and a little dog was dancing around in circles under the kitchen table. Nervous little dog was my first thought. It wasn't love at first sight...I did take note of his incredible black and white markings and cute little face.

The cigarette smoke was choking me and I thought of those tiny little lungs breathing in this poison, all the time. At least I could leave and escape it. I think that was the reason why I took him free him of the poison gas that must have been killing him. It sure felt like it was killing me!

Izzy has worked his way into my heart and I am crazy about him. He is not a nervous little doggie...he is full of heart and soul and I admire him so. Izzy is all attitude when it comes to the other dogs. He comes out to the hill every morning to exercise Thor, Finn and Knut. They could tear him limb from limb but they don't know it. Izzy keeps them in check by growling and snapping at them, running around them and barking commands. If they don't respond appropriately, Izzy jumps up and grabs their lips, pulling down until they yelp and cower... full grown male dogs who look me in the face when they put their paws on my shoulders! Izzy must be ten inches tall...but he thinks he is a Great Dane! When Izzy is finished disciplining the big dogs, they stand around him, sniffing Izzy's private parts in a show of submission I don't fully understand.

Izzy commands the primo spot in the Bed each night -curled up on my shoulder against my neck. I here little growls and sharls when the other dogs get too close.

More about Izzy in future posts...there is so much to tell.

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