Thursday, February 15, 2007

Cold, Cold, Cold and No Hair

The lambs are huddled together against their mothers today. With wind chills down to 30 below, I feel it, too. Can't get my toes warm no matter what. I pray to Jesus the power doesn't go out, or I can't get water to the animals. I keep the tank filled but that will freeze quickly. We are looking at two more months of this, I think.

Okay, so I cut my hair. With no shower and not even a bathtub it was just too much. I looked like a homeless woman, only dressed better, with that stiff braid and itchy head every day. Now I can wash it in the milk room sink. My friend at work, Kelly, cut it for me in the Cosmetology classroom. There was no time to do any styling or blow dry. When I went to the next class the girls were, "You CUT your HAIR?????????" like I had done some kind of life defining alteration to myself. The science teacher, with long hair, unconsciously started flipping hers to the front of her chest, like she was making sure it was still there. I started fidgeting for my braid, for security, and couldn't find it. Next classroom, same thing. Everybody noticed. You have to understand, my school is small and intimate. Nothing escapes anyone and they care about what is going on your life after hours. It's great for someone like me, who moved here without knowing a soul. They are my New York family and I am so grateful. Then I went home and three days later I am still waiting for my husband to notice that I cut off my hair!!

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