Monday, February 19, 2007

Big Brother Breeze

The lambs are having a wonderful time climbing all over Breeze. He is smaller than his brother Chris and the same color as their mothers. But do sheep see color? Hmmmm, I have to check that out. Matt has seen them make a running start and pounce on Breeze's back. Now, I can't get near him but he takes this abuse from the lambs like a champ. Chris and Breeze were born in a neighbor's front yard in western New Jersey. The woman had four little kids and was home schooling them. Her husband persuaded her to get into the llama business. She soon had 29 llamas in the front yard and no time to take care of them. That's how I got Chris and Breeze. They have been living the Life of Riley (boy do I date myself there!) since they've been with me. They went from a postage stamp pen, broiling in the hot sun without a blade of grass, to green fields with trees and streams to romp and play in. The only problem is, since they were never handled much when they were little they have no use for humans. I have to attract them into catch pens with grain to work on them and they hate it. Shearing is even worse. It's so important to "gentle" llamas when they are young, like so many other big animals. I am crazy about them and get lost in the big, dark pools of their eyes.

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