Thursday, February 22, 2007

Be Nice to Your Wool

When I went to check on the new lambs this is what I found...Miranda struggling to give birth to a great big ram lamb. Look at that grimace. I would grimace, too, if I had that monster coming out of me. First time mom, thank Goodness they are both fine. She was very nervous, and after every push she would jump up and check the hay for something that came out. It took about an hour to get that boy out, from the time I saw the little hoofs to what you see here. What should I call him? For some reason Manny comes to mind...appropriate for such a Butch of a lamb. The rams are catching up. Four rams born in less than 24 hours...Matt said I jinxed it by mentioning that we are having such good luck with so many ewe lambs this year! Unfortunately for them, you only need one good ram, and I have next year's ram already waiting for me in Pennsylvania. I put a band on the pouch before they leave the jug, so they are "wethered" from the start. That way they aren't a loose cannon in the flock but they do get big and fat and knock the girls away from the food. A seperate wether pasture where the goat bucks and ram can hang out until they are needed is planned. Wether wool is sometimes nicer than ewe or ram wool.

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