Friday, August 05, 2005

To the Vav Stuga

What in the world is a Vav Stuga? It is a Swedish community weaving center. Becky runs one in Massachusetts and my friend Jan and I are going for a week of intensive weaving instruction. I bought a beautiful Glimakra floor loom a couple of years ago and don't even know how to warp it. I hope to set up at the new farm and weave some of my courser mohair and wool into rugs. I have never had a room big enough to dedicate to a huge loom, but with my studio in the hay mow that we are planning to build this fantasy is much closer to reality. Picture me and my loom, dogs all around me, wood stove burning, blizzard howling outside, critters below me in the barn, safe and sound, warming each other with their radiating heat. I like to think my Swedish grandmother wove on a loom like mine back in Sweden on their little farm.
I am much more a spinner and knitter, but the loom is calling me.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like my idea of heaven. Remember to add plumbing for coffee and no walks outdoors in bad weather.


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