Monday, July 18, 2005

The year ahead...too much to ponder!

I read my first blog when a nice bunnywoman from Meadows of Dan in Virginia included the address in her spin list post. I clicked on it and thought, hmmmnnn, that's nice. An online diary where people can keep up with what you are doing if they so desire. A way of sending your vibes out into the great ocean of internet space, looking for kindred spirits. Then I stumbled on Chris Morgan's blog, another bunnywoman and found out stuff about her I had no idea. Like the litter of kittens her daughter rescued, etc., and what she is spinning. So here I am, with lots of stuff to tell.

I bought a farm!! I really did!! After long last, no more digging out to the frozen lambs in lean-tos in the middle of a field in a blizzard. They will be snug and warm in the 200 cow dairy barn I bought in Brookfield, New York...snowmobile capital of New York State I am told. My dream is to get the milking parlor working, get in some Icelandics and start milking. Fantasies are free, right? I have been in love with those sheep for years, but got waylayed by Bluefaced Leicesters five years ago. Great fleece, but I don't think they have a lot of extra milk. Now a year of moving. Two previous moves did not seperate me from enough of my c-r-a-p, and the fiber life is not helping. The creative mind is seldom a tidy place, right? I thought this blog would be a way of sharing the adventures of farming, moving, and farming some more. As I was slipping and sliding in the mud that is my pasture after a pouring rain, I observed the lady across the street coming home from the country club. She stopped to get her mail, perfectly coiffed hair, smooth, even tan, and waved from her spotless SUV (carpeted, I'm sure) before she drove down to her no-dogs-allowed house. That was another life for me, and I am having much more fun, but I was reminded how nice it would be to be around other farmers. And that is what I will have in Madison County, New York. Just a half hour away from my buddy Lisa from Spinner's Hill, whose aura drew me to that area.

Enough for now, this will take some getting used to...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Ahhh, 5 years ago this great adventure began. A few weeks ago (time warp to August 2010) I was mesmerized by the blog's opening picture of this grand farm with the two silos in the distance; I get a real sense of peace just returning here and looking at that photo. After reading a few of the posts, I wondered how this family got to this point..... I am fairly new to blogs but I did realize that there might be older postings to read.... and here I am at this beginning. I look forward to working backwards and seeing how you did it. I am a family man with a 14 year old daughter, a thirteen year old son and a very lovely wife. I have a feeling that reading through this blog is going to be a treat... like reading a good book. Thank you for the gift of these fine writings and experiences. [It's about time this 2005 entry had a comment on it!]


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