Friday, July 22, 2005

I bought a big, white truck!

I bought a pick up truck last night...didn't seem right buying a F150 when gas prices are skyrocketing but have to haul a LOT of stuff to the new farm upstate. I need an F250 but I'm scared of the prices going higher. A diesel truck was 10,ooo $ more...couldn't do it. Found a livestock hauler for the sheep and goats...he can take 100 plus animals in one trip.

Spending all this money makes me want to sit down and sew, sew, sew, spin, spin, spin. I have to work harder at my business if I want to survive in New York. It will take two years for us to build the bed and breakfast - with our own two hands - but won't it be fun.

Miss the grandbabies terribly...every time I look at the big dirt pile or the play kitchen, or the Thomas the Tank Engine table at Barnes and Noble I ache. They are so far away (Las Vegas) and I only see them twice a year if I am lucky.

On my way to pick up Lydia at the vet which is also a no-kill shelter. What a home I could give those homeless kitties in my mega-barn....

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