Tomorrow will mark two weeks since I was dropped off here with 135 sheep, goats and llamas, along with several dogs, cats and chickens. Big Daddy went home to clean up the remnants of our old farm, which could hardly be called a farm compared to this! This is a serious farm! The last two weeks seems so surreal; living with two cold water hoses for watering the livestock, cooking and personal needs. There was not time to figure out the complicated configuration of fuses and boxes, so two lights and a few flashlights had to do. The DSL man came, enabling me to keep up with the world, and, eventually the TV guy. What a story that was...he said he looked for me for an hour and couldn't find me. Since this is a 240 ft. long, 20,000 square foot barn, and I am constantly moving around tending to the needs of my critters I am not surprised. So why didn't he blow his horn??? When I called to ask why he never came, his wife told me he wanted $40 to come back...we exchanged words and I determined to do without TV at all. Isn't that why we came to the wilds of Central New York? Big Daddy called back to say he would pay the money...just hook up the TV. I think he had the impending visit of Hannah (8) and Luke (4) in mind! Yes, the TV is a mixed blessing. I want to roam the fields and wade in the ponds...they would much rather catch up with Spongebob Squarepants. I try to switch over to PBS, but that's for babies!
BUT...here we are and the adventure begins. Now that I am computer connected, I will try to convey the awesome scenic beauty of this place while working to carve out a life. I have waited years for this and it's finally a reality. Now, the hard work begins...